
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

She Sleeps

Right now as I type, she sleeps. I have to admit, for me, there is relief. We had another rough night. By far the worst we have had so far. Frustration overwhelms me. Not so much with her, but with me. I have no answers. Nothing I do works. I'm tired.

I have prayed, searched for solutions online, and have asked advice of others. It seems our situation is unique. No one has had the exact same obstacle to overcome. Yes, there are similar problems, but not exactly what we are going through.

I feel guilty. Not that I am not doing enough, but that I let myself get frustrated with the circumstance that is just part of the process. It's not her fault.

I am a fairly good mom, not perfect, but good. Yet, I fail to meet my own expectations. Or at least what I think a good mom should be.

Motherhood is not an exact science. Babies are not born the same. And there isn't always answers. But, what I can do is forgive myself in my shortcomings and trust God to bring me through.

"Those who trust in the LORD will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not get weak."    Isaiah 40:31

Monday, April 15, 2013

Wyatt Turns Five!

We had an awesome weekend, Saturday, Wyatt turned five! His choice of party: Super Hero. Before I get into the party I just want to say what a gift our sweet Wyatt has been. The last five years has been such a blessing. Wyatt has grown from our little baby boy to a smart little boy. Always having something to say and anything but shy, he keeps us on our toes. I can't believe how he has grown. He weighs about 40 lbs now, I can hardly lift him anymore, and getting so tall!

We got his party planning underway fairly easy. Sent out the coolest invitations ever:

Found this on Etsy at Suenios Encantados.  They did a fantastic job! But, I made a big mistake. I forgot to call the Clubhouse and reserve the date for his party. I remembered to call AFTER I sent the invitations! And guess what...they are closed for renovations for at least two weeks. So, I had to quickly find a new location for the party. After numerous phone calls we found that we could use our church for the venue! Perfect!

And so the party was moved to the Comins Mennonite Church. And there we began set up for our party! We had "Wonder Dogs" {Hotdogs stuffed with cheese wrapped in crecent rolls}, "Doctor Octopus Dogs" {Hotdogs cut in half and legs cut in one end to form legs}, and "Joker Juice." We had a Super Hero Photo Shoot. We popped Energy Capsules. And of course face painting!

{Energy Capsules filled with candy}

{Made with love by Aunt Jami!}

We made homemade comic book bunting and a city-scape made from poster board. And got a couple extra capes and masks from a shop called FunKidStuff.

I have to say I was completely exhausted afterwards, but it was so worth it! Wyatt had so much fun. And it was so nice visiting with everyone that came! I think it is safe to say Wyatts 5th birthday was a huge success!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Josie is 10 months old!

Josie is now 10 months old! Our little girl is growing leaps and bounds! She has had her third tooth just break through her gums up top. A week ago she stood up all by herself with out holding on to anything! A few days ago we got out Wyatt's push cart that he had before he walked, and Josie has started to use it!

Her favorite room she seems to be drawn to, mostly because it is forbidden, is the bathroom. We now have to keep the door closed. She is sensitive and easily frustrated. If she falls down or slips on something she immediately starts crying. Wyatt can make her cry at a drop of a hat, but that is only because he can't leave her alone.

There is nothing anymore that is safe from her. She is into everything! So unlike her big brother. She is a squirmy worm. She can't hold still. My biceps are well toned due to her constant squirms in Sunday school and in church.

We got her hair up in her first pony tail last night! It hard to believe how long her hair is for only being 10 months old.

We are finally getting into some sort of a nap routine. She is a tough one to get down. She has had a couple nights this week she slept all night. That was fantastic! I wish more nights were like that. It is sad they are so rare. She is still up three to four times a night. And she will not go back down with out nursing her back to sleep. Don't worry, I have tried everything else to no avail. 

We have introduced the sippy cup. She will chew on it and drink from it occasionally. I plan to breast feed up to a year so we are working on transitioning now. I think I am ready. The more teeth she gets the more reason to wean! Bites hurt!

Can't believe it, only two more months and she will be a year old! Yikes! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It Came!

Our curriculum came! Wyatt was SO excited! Looking through the material so far I am impressed. Everything is laid out simply and even tells you what to say! Can't get much easier than that! We'll wait until fall to begin, but I have to say I am looking forward to it!

I will keep everyone posted on how things are going once we get started. Hopefully, it will go smoothly!