
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

High Low Kind of Day

Today has been quite the day. It has been a true test of the wits, our patience, our strength in consistency, and will power! When Wyatt first turned two, I thought, the terrible twos, they aren't so bad. Then he turned three, and wow look out! Now that he is four I think we have matched and raised the bar once again. These last couple days have shown a decline in listening skills to the point they almost no longer exist. It is beyond the typical selective hearing you normally get. Taking toys away, time outs, and spankings are short term consequences that no longer phase. The only thing we can do is keep on keeping on. Consistency is key. With the Lords help we can and will persevere!

With that, here is a glimpse of the behavior we had today. Mind you this was the worse, but this wasn't the only misbehavior...

{Red crayon on our bedroom wall}

{He told us it is a map.}

Oh, and yes, he did have to wash it off. Very thankful today for Magic Erasers.

However, on a much more positive note, my husband made my day! I have been wanting a head board for our bed ever since I had to rearrange things to make room for a dresser and cradle. We had to put our bed on an angle to accommodate. I will be nursing the baby and really wanted something I could lean back on for those late night feedings.  So, my wonderful husband, being resourceful as he is, built me a head board!

{Finished Head Board}

It is everything that I wanted! He did a fantastic job! He used scrap lumber we had lying around so it cost us nothing AND it turned out great! I am one happy wifey!

So, overall we survived our day despite the trials we faced as parents. Exhausted? Yes. There will be days like this, but thankfully they are far and in between!

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