
Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas!

This Christmas seemed to creep up on me all at once. There was a million things I wanted to do this year with Wyatt that I didn't get to and decorations I didn't even get a chance to get up. Nick was a little disappointed with only having the small tree up this year instead of the big one, but it was all we could do in our small space. With having a baby our living space has shrunk. We have her bouncer, exersaucer, play gym, and basket of toys. There was no room for the big tree!

I have to admit I am still adjusting to life with two kiddos. I think if they were closer in age it would be a bit easier. Wyatt being almost five doesn't nap every day, and our dear little Josie doesn't seem to want to nap at all. So, that puts a damper on my to do list each day.

This year, since we had Josie, I wanted to take Christmas pictures of the kids. I am very pleased how they turned out. Who needs to pay tons of money on a photo shoot when you can do it yourself?! For the most part, my kids are very cooperative when doing pictures.

This was Josie's first Christmas, of course, and she was fun. She liked playing with the paper. She would tug at it, but needed help to really unwrap anything. Needless to say Wyatt enjoyed being a helper.

Christmas Eve we went to Candle Light service at our church. Then had Christmas morning with Wyatt and Josie. They woke up about 8am. We opened gifts, then we read the story of Jesus' birth out of Wyatts new Bible. Nick made french toast for breakfast as I preped the turkey to bake. Then my family came over and we had dinner together and exchanged gifts afterwards. It was a great day spending time with everyone.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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